ALRIGHT. So Lance (among other people) have been telling me that I need to start blogging again, but I have been putting it off. AND you know how the longer you put something off, the harder it is to get back in to it. AND then you say to yourself "it's been over a year since I have blogged, it would just be weird at this point if I started again." Yeah, that's been my excuse. However, the time has come to start again. I couldn't possible put a years worth into one blog. BUT I can do a couple highlights.
My last blog Judah starting eating for the first time. I'll be happy to update everyone that he is still eating.
ANOTHER update: we had a baby girl. She stole our hearts since the day she was born. Delivery? easy. Thank you for that Eliana! She is such a great baby. At only 10 weeks old she is sleeping thru the night. I have great sleepers! She is smiling now too ... LOVE IT.
I promise to TRY to not quit on this again (like how noncommittal I made that:)
you are hilarious and ya for blogging again!
and remember: quitters never prosper.
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